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Group Trance Medium Healing

Are you ready to experience a group trance medium healing event!?

Join Jill  as she channels healing energy and/or messages from Divine Intelligence while in a trance state. In this setting, participants gather together with the intention of receiving healing on physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual levels.

During the trance state, the Jill acts as a conduit for spiritual energies or entities, allowing them to communicate or transmit healing energy to the participants. This can involve various forms of healing, such as energy healing, spiritual guidance, or messages from deceased loved ones or spirit guides.

Here are some reasons why you might want to attend a group trance medium healing:

  1. Healing: Many people attend these sessions seeking relief from physical ailments, emotional distress, or spiritual challenges. The healing energy transmitted during the session may help to alleviate symptoms or promote overall well-being.
  2. Spiritual Guidance: Participants may receive guidance, insights, or messages from spiritual beings or guides channeled through the medium. These messages can offer clarity, comfort, or direction in navigating life's challenges.
  3. Connection: Group trance medium healings provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share an interest in spirituality and holistic healing. The sense of community and support can be uplifting and empowering.
  4. Transformation: Engaging in healing sessions can facilitate personal growth and transformation. By releasing negative energy, gaining insight into underlying issues, and receiving spiritual guidance, participants may experience shifts in consciousness and perspective.
  5. Exploration: For those curious about spiritual phenomena or the nature of consciousness, attending a trance medium healing can be a fascinating and enlightening experience. It offers an opportunity to explore the realms beyond the physical world and deepen one's understanding of spirituality.

Register now to experience  a FREE Group Trance Medium Healing Session!

 Two dates available in June and July.

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